How I Use Organization To Recharge My Mental Battery
Hi everyone! Let me start off by mentioning that I am a Capricorn and identify 100% with my sign. We thrive off order, attention to detail and self responsibility. If you were to ask my husband he would tell you that I move stuff around the house all, the, time. Majority of this energy is channeled into our closets and bathrooms. My two favorite areas to organize and freshen up. My family would tell you that I have been like this since I was a child. I remember resetting my entire bedroom as a kid. Clutter and chaos stunt my thought process and weigh me down emotionally. I enjoy diving into a space and reviving it. Organizing is my time to get creative, rearrange systems and get my thoughts flowing. Th thing is, we see our own stuff all the time and sometimes a little change can be inspiring.
Cleaning and organizing come naturally to me but, maybe you aren’t an organized person naturally or don’t get the same joy out of it like others do, but want to become more organized. Ask yourself, why do I not like doing these things? Most of the time it's because we do not want to tackle our own shit. Or maybe a little chaos doesn’t bother you and you could careless (I envy you type B people). Either way, if you are looking to channel some fresh creativity and motivation I encourage you to tackle a small space within your home. It just might inspire you to organize other areas of your life too. When things have a set place you will feel a sense of lightness.
Our living space should bring us peace, zen and comfort so its important to make your home just that. Start small and work on manageable spaces (pantries, hall closets, drawers). Get in some comfortable clothes, turn on some music, listen to a podcast and just start. My favorite podcasts are here.
Depending on the area you are working on focus on breaking it up into categories. Ask yourself what do I want to live in here? What is here that doesn’t align with that? Is there something I can donate to someone that will find more use for it? And finally, what do I need to toss? The art of decluttering and organizing is liberating and so powerful! Do you have a vision for that area and if so what does that look like? Post-its are your bff when it comes to a project like this. I find that grouping stuff into those categories really helps the entire process.
Begin by completely clearing out the area you’re working on. I recently reset our kitchen pantry and bathroom closet so i’ll use those as the example. Take everything out, EVERYTHING! Go back to your post-its and label sections that you want to live in the space. Anything that might be in there that doesn’t belong, place to the side so that it doesn't distract you. This will help you determine the space you need for all your different categories. I like to have everything laid out in the space before committing to any containers. This allows you to make sure you get exactly what you need so that the containers are not only aesthetically pleasing but practical and work for the space.
I definitely get inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest but I also try to put my own twist on it so that I am absolutely content with what I am doing. Sometimes things look good on socials but they don’t always work for you. Make it work for you and your family.
Organizing supplies:
Have some fun with this process. Place things where they make the most sense for you and your family. Organization is nothing without functionality. And what works for one person may not work for another. I am not expert on organizing and certainly wouldn’t consider myself a professional organizer but I am here to provide any tips I might have up my sleeve, so let me know what you are having trouble with. Fellow Capricorns, type A friends and organizing junkies chime in on your tips for decluttering. Share ways that you make your lives more simple.
The bathroom containers are not my favorite, but they are ones I already had around the house. The small drawers are nice for tiny things like floss, contacts, tools, cotton, etc.
The containers I am currently using to decant are not my favorite but, I have had them for years and they do the job. I linked ones that I will be switching to eventually.
*includes amazon affiliate link.
See you soon friends,