Nesting & Winter Hibernation Energy

I have been in full winter hibernation mode. I started the new year with the flu so I didn’t even think about the new year. I was resting and trying to get better. We all know the “New Year” rhetoric, time to get healthy, start a diet/work out plan, de-clutter your home, start fresh, blah, blah. I understand the gist. It’s a new year, and fresh start and the perfect time to start a clean slate. I have spent many years with this mentality. As a Capricorn, type A woman, I naturally have this mentality and I pretty much live by it on the daily. However, I ended the year under the weather and started the new year, under the weather, which really got me thinking about the Winter season and how it can be a time where we are in the present of the Winter season and allow ourselves to rest, and take each day as it is.

I personally am not a make a resolution type of person. I find them cliche, overdone and almost set you up for failure. Instead, I think It’s the perfect time of year to reflect and re-evaluate where you are at, what you have accomplished the year before and to step back inside yourself. I work in retail, which means after the holidays, I am mentally and physically exhausted. Having a chaotic work schedule doesn’t always allow the ability to have a consistent work out schedule. My work IS my work out. With that being said, I have wanted to shape up a bit and stick to something low key and attainable for myself. Like daily walking, stretching and low impact work outs. I am 7 months post op from my knee surgery and have been slowly getting back into regular work outs without overly exerting myself .

It’s very easy to feel like you aren’t doing enough when it comes to your health or comparing yourself to others journeys. I think the whole point of this post is to tell you it’s okay to go with your gut and allow yourself to take a beat. Being sick during the new new year shifted my perspective. My body forced me to just exhale and surrender. So, in this state of hibernation I have poured my energy into taking it easy each day. Lots of self-care, reading, cuddling on the couch with my fur babies, reality tv (calms me lol) long walks outside, writing, podcasts and spending quality time at home.

Spring is about 2 weeks away and like the season, it’s natural for us as humans to blossom in the warmer months. So if you were feeling off or just unmotivated these past few months, don’t overthink it. Your body and mind needed a rest and I’m here to tell you that’s okay!




Knee Surgery | My pre and post operative care