Giving Yourself Grace And Finding Your Self-Worth

You know that saying, “comparison is the thief of joy”? A simple concept but not always easy to follow. At some point we have all drawn comparisons between ourselves and others. Remember that just like you, everyone has struggles and most people do not openly discuss the setbacks, challenges and the intricacies of the human condition. Celebrate others successes, but recognize that we are all fallible human beings that are constantly learning from our experiences. Be cognizant of where you are now, where you were a year ago, and where you would like to be a year from now. Your personal self development is a non negotiable and should be a top priority in your life, and development can’t happen when we are busy gazing through a window into others lives and not living our own. Paralysis by analysis is real.

Something that helps me is saying an affirmation to myself everyday. I have a post-it on my vanity that says “be present, grateful and proud of yourself” I try to appreciate myself each day. I can’t rush my progress, and become frustrated that I am not exactly where I want to be. I try my best to listen to my intuition and rely on how I am feeling each day. Some days I need rest and lots of self-care, other days I am extremely productive. Finding your equilibrium is the key to sustained self-growth.

Next time you start feeling yourself compare or putting yourself down, stop, take a deep breath and give yourself some gratitude, utilize that motivation to work on your goals and start your own personal development journey. What makes us all magical is our differences. So don’t compare, be aware and be present.

If you are looking for a new book recommendation I highly suggest The Four Agreements. It’s a quick and easy read that has so much weight behind each word.

1) Be impeccable with your word

2) Don’t take anything personally

3)Don’t make assumptions

4) Always do your best

Have you read The Four Agreements? What is your favorite agreement? And what are some of your favorite self-development books?




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