Start Your Day With Stretching Your Body
“Early bird gets the worm” says all the early risers. For me, I love sleep and getting up when the sun rises is just not my jam. Although, once I am up and ready, I feel good. So the question is, how do you become a more functional morning person when you naturally thrive in the evenings? Its so easy for me to just zombie walk downstairs, pour some coffee and start looking at my phone. I still feel groggy, unmotivated and it is not the best use of my time. I find that if I start my day with moving my body, even in the smallest ways, by stretching or taking a walk, I feel motivated to begin my day productively.
Recently, I tried out a new routine and wanted to share it with you guys. Note that I am only doing this on days when my mornings are open and I have the time to spare. which typically is a 3-4x a week. We recently just had a fence installed in our backyard and we are loving the new found privacy we have. With that, I have been doing my morning stretches outside. I stretch most days but there is something different about doing it first thing in the morning, outside, listening to music, and being with nature. Zeke joins me as well.
Look at this cutie! I think the sun feels good on their joints too. You can just tell he’s at peace. He cuddles up and closes his eyes.
I do not use a specific routine and I don’t take it too seriously. This is just my time to listen to calming music and stretch out my body. No guidance or system in place, just connecting with what feels right in that moment. There is a lot to be said about daily stretching and the long term benefits it has on your joints, muscles and mental health. My mom has been stretching each morning for as long as I can remember and she loves how it makes her feel before she starts her day. For me stretching is also a priority and a huge form of my self care.
While I am laying on my yoga matt and allowing my muscles to stretch, I set my intentions for the day, connect with nature and, allow myself to be completely present. I am telling you, I feel so much better after just 10 minutes of doing this. I am more awake, my blood is flowing, and I feel alive!
On the mornings that I do this, I try not to check my phone. I find that if I check my phone first thing, I easily become distracted and overwhelmed. I know that this isn’t always feasible for everyone and even for me there are days that I just can't. It is what it is. I would love to not check my phone in the mornings period, but I make an effort to not touch it on the morning I am doing this stretching routine. It’s all about balance.
At that end of the day its not about creating routines that bog you down or feel overwhelming. Its about doing what speaks to you. A routine is only as good as what you are willing to put into it. On the mornings I don’t have time, I will stretch some other time of the day. I like to watch a short episode of something and stretch then.
If you do not stretch regularly, I encourage you to start. Generally I do about 20-30 minutes. Start with 10 minutes and see how you feel. Take it slow and stretch to your limit. Stretch the areas of your body that you need. If you are someone who already stretches daily, try taking that routine outside in the mornings. It’s a completely different experience. I notice my day feels positively different too. Its a small dose of self-care that really is a treat.
Before I go outside and do anything, I have been having Athletic Greens. I take 1 scoop each morning when I first get up and I love it. Taste is great and I know I am getting my nutrients in one glass.
There are 75 different vitamins, minerals, greens and probiotics in this blend.
After I do my stretches I have a big, cold class of *Electrolytes My favorite brand is Ultima Replenisher. I love the blue raspberry flavor. Tastes like a blue Gatorade.
Clean ingredients, no sugar, lifestyle friendly. I have tried so many electrolyte brands and many are good, but I always return to this one.
now we have coffee. :)
*Gaiam yoga mat I have two of these and love them. Good quality and easy to clean.
This routine has really helped me appreciate the mornings more and makes me feel recharged. I find I am more productive when I have the time in the morning to do this. Its a small investment overall, but it makes a big difference to how my day feels.
*Includes affiliate links.