Duke Gardens in Durham, North Carolina
I absolutely love gardens. Anytime we are visiting a new place, we try to find a local botanical garden to walk around. Depending what state you are in you may pay for an entry fee. But, of all of the ones I have been to, they are usually absolutely worth it.
Gardens are a perfect place to escape and really be present. It checks all the boxes for me.
Have great conversations or listen to a podcast/audio book
Mediate and clear your mind
Soak in fresh air and Vitamin D
Learn about different plant and flower species
Take a long, therapeutic walk
Our most recent visit was to Duke Gardens in Durham, North Carolina. I was SO excited to see Spring in action here. We went in late March and it was perfect! Coming from South Florida, I didn’t experience the Spring season the same way. Florida is green and vibrant all year long for the most part. Living in NC, with mild seasons you still have a winter, where majority of the plant life goes dormant. Watching it all bloom back to life is just perfection. I’ve loved experiencing this.
I love Gardens for many reasons but, one of my favorite things is just the walking aspect and soaking in raw beauty. Save this post for if you are traveling or live near Durham, North Carolina. It is a special garden and definitely worth the visit.
We visited during late March, the beginning peak stage of Tulip Season.
They are exquisite. Tulips may be my new favorite flower.
The walking paths here are perfect. So many gorgeous sites and fresh air.
Cute little cottage style building
& my handsome husband
How beautiful though!!!
Just over here thriving
This gave me Central Park vibes
Such a serene place to come mediate and be in nature.
Taking in all the flower power energy
Love bench